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The First Pet Food Bank in Romania

If life before the pandemic was a difficult one for community and rural animals, life during the pandemic has sometimes become an attempt at survival.

Sava's Safe Haven strives to give animals in poor communities a chance at proper food, treatment and health care. But what about animals whose families have lost their jobs and remained without financial support? 

Romania, have no food banks for pets!

Pandemic have separated many animals from their families...

According to our statistics, followed over time by the volunteers of our association, the number of abandoned animals has increased significantly.

This caused the further increase the number of strays within the community.

We believe the main reasons of this phenomenon were:

  • Donations to animal charities have dropped, so due to lack of funds, sterilization campaigns were stopped or reduced to a limited number of animals;

  • Many families were left with low incomes, not being able to cover their normal expenses, so the expenses with animal feed, veterinary care, were considered a luxury;

  • Several rescuers and animal shelters remained without a budget for food supplies for rescued animals.

Sava's Safe Haven would love to open first pet food bank in Romania!

It's a such challenge to set up such a large project in such difficult times for charities.

In the past years,

Sava's Safe Haven has started new projects for rural poor areas, especially education projects, free veterinary care, animal welfare and rights awareness.

Pet Food Bank Romania will be one of the largest projects, because we will need a large number of volunteers, financial support and especially good management and logistics.

Alexandra Sava, the initiator of the project

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Start Up:

Set up the team

Great projects needs a strong team passionate about animal rescue. We are looking to set up a team of volunteers and charities to start this project.

Logistics and management

Any projects needs a good management, after we set up the team, we will start decide over the most important topics: names, destination of project and how we will work.

 Finances and sponsorships

Our Food Bank will need sponsorships, donations and partnerships with local and international food brands and organisations.

Help animals

The most beautiful step in our project is helping animals. After much work, we will get finally there.

Join us in this project

Would you like be part of the project?

We are looking for volunteers, partners (charities, companies or rescuers). Together we will set up the first Pet Food Bank in Romania.

Contact Person: Alexandra Sava 

Phone (+40)0766 749 680

Asociatia Sava's Safe Haven.

Registration Number 32908365

Galati, Romania


Email Address*


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